pressure adjusting device should ensure gas supply pressure as specified by gas equipment manufacturer 1;
gas cylinder is installed only vertically 2;
It is strictly prohibited to detect gas leakage using fire (matches, lighters). A soap emulsion or a special liquid should be used to determine gas leakage.
2. Reducer connection to flexible hose
when connecting reducer to the flexible hose 3, you should moistened reducer’s unit with water and pull the hose on it, when it’s done, pull the clamp 4 up on the connection and tighten.
3. Disconnecting an empty gas cylinder
before disconnecting the cylinder make sure that gas unit taps are closed;
cylinder valve should be closed;
when the nut 9 is unscrewed, regulator 1 is disconnected. Remember that the cylinder’s venting joint is in the left direction, so the nut must be unscrewed clockwise.
4. Connecting reducer to the gas cylinder
before connecting make sure that gas unit taps are closed, there is no damage on the flexible hose and it is properly installed;
insert spacer 8 and connect reducer 1 to the cylinder valve. Turning counterclockwise, tighten the nut 9;
check connection leakage. Open cylinder valve, cover connection with soap emulsion or special liquid;
when gas cylinder is properly connected to the unit, gas supply can be restored or cut using the valve. To restore gas supply, valve flywheel should be turned counterclockwise, but to cut gas supply turn valve flywheel clockwise. Normally the direction is indicated by an arrow on the valve.